Welcome, to my blog as I explore the world of past life regression. If you’re like me, you’ve always been fascinated by the idea of reincarnation, time travel and history. You might have fond feelings or been drawn to different historical eras such as ancient Egypt, the renaissance or the roaring 1920’s which is where I started my journey.
What exactly is past life regression? Well, it’s kind of like a trip to the psychiatrist, but with a twist. Instead of talking about your current problems, you’re going to explore the deepest, darkest corners of your subconscious mind to uncover memories from your past lives, ones that can sometimes hold us back in this lifetime. I should probably give you a warning. This isn’t a normal therapy session. Past life regression is a journey to the center of your soul, a rollercoaster ride through time and space, and sometimes it’s not easy. You will be hypnotized – but a very light hypnosis as you’ll still need to be aware of everything that is happening in this time so you can tell me what you’re experiencing. I should also mention, you can not get stuck in this type of hypnosis or a past life. So, if you’re brave enough to take the plunge, and uncover some fascinating truths about your story, this is a good place to start.
I have found that in doing this work I have two main types of people. Number one, are history buffs or individuals just simply interested in past life regression and reincarnation. The second are individuals who have been guided by some unknown source to explore their past lives. I’ve noticed a lot of times these individuals often express that they have been feeling lost or confused in their life. It doesn’t seem to matter which type you are, everyone usually leaves the regression session the same way. In a bit of awe, excitement, emotional and alot of times there is a renewed sense of clarity regarding patterns, experiences or roadblocks in this lifetime.
In conclusion, past life regression can be an unbelievably exciting realization of your soul’s journey that is definitely not for the faint of heart. But if you’re willing to take the plunge, you might just uncover some deep, meaningful insights about your life that you never would have discovered otherwise. So, grab a set of headphones, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and let’s dive in!