My Personal Journey with Past Life Regression

My own past life regression story started with a 30 min YouTube video by regressionist  Dr. Brian Weise where he’s walking an audience through a live past life regression. However, I found it via an unlikely method. You see, a handful of Gen Z’ers (kids, 13 to 19 years old) had found the video and started posting tik toks about their past life experiences while watching his regression. The short videos were absolutely fascinating and there were hundreds of them.

These young kids were getting emotional over the loss of someone they loved in a past life, others explaining they had mistreated a spouse or child. They had tears of joy recounting a wedding or birth. So many different lives and all of them believable and appeared historically accurate. I was completely fascinated and obsessed with figuring out how this was happening. 

I decided to start doing my own research about past lives. I read books and watched every YouTube video I could get my hands on about past life regression.  Books and videos by Delores Cannon, Dr. Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weise. I realized a lot of what they wrote aligned with ideas I had already had or filled in some of the gaps I had wondered about. It was also fascinating to me how similar all the information was between these three authors though they mention they had never compared notes.  They were doing hundreds of regressions each and being told similar things by each person.

Then in 2021, I decided to take a course and learn how to regress people into past lives, so I could start to explore, guide and experience past life regression for myself. Little did I know how much of an impact a regression can have on someone who was negatively affected by a situation from a previous live.

Originally I began my research as someone curious about a special interest and always drawn to history. I’ve come out of it a completely different person because I too had been holding onto negative experiences and intrusive thoughts from a previous life. During my own regression I was able to target my constant struggle with unexplainable  “Self Hate.”  

My personal past life regression was a painful experience but illuminated my feelings of self-hate that had plagued me throughout this lifetime. Like many of the people I have regressed, I felt I had done or experienced horrible events in my past life, which I carried and punished myself for unknowingly, up until my own personal past life regression. The clarity and acceptance you feel once you understand that some of the pain and fear you carry isn’t even relevant to this life is almost priceless. I did genuinely feel different after that regression and those constant intrusive thoughts based in self-hate are completely gone, and to be honest they never should have been here in the first place.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes and hope you too can find peace and acceptance in this lifetime. 

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Jo lives in Tauranga, New Zealand with her husband Daniel and fur baby Calcifer (Mini lop house bunny).

She is so thankful to be able to call the beautiful Bay of Plenty home. Her favorite thing to do is admire flowers and garden and she is a fan of board games, science fiction, history and is always working to become more environmentally friendly.  

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