Does past life regression help if you’re feeling stuck?

It can be difficult navigating this lifetime when you feel stuck or unable to achieve goals or tasks, especially ones that you have set for yourself. In my experience as a regressionist I see a few different things happening in people’s lives when they turn up with these problems or questions. First and very common is an underlying disconnect with oneself or even feelings of hating themselves. When you truly dislike your person, you often engage in self harm, which can manifest in many different ways. One of those ways is losing interest in creating a healthy and happy future.  Now there are a multitude of healthy, life changing ways to combat this type of discontent. Seeing a therapist or counselor, picking up a new and healthy pattern, activity, or interest and changing your environment etc. These are all amazing ways to re-engage and help heal the self. Sometimes though, these tasks can be difficult to start.  That’s where a past life regression can help. During a past life regression you can target these underlying feelings or patterns and if you’re really ready to acknowledge and face them you’ll be able to clear these negative notions that you’ve been holding on to.  Think of it as baggage from a past relationship. Some people hold onto negative thoughts and anxieties from past lives which can unknowingly affect them in this lifetime. Intrusive thoughts and ideas from a traumatic lifetime can sneak into this lifetime and add an undersurface layer of doom and gloom. Oftentimes these feelings don’t have a known origin in this lifetime, and can even manifest as destructive patterns. While in a past life regression session we’re able to confront these feelings, attitudes or patterns while engaging your subconscious and really diving deep. This can explain and clear that undersurface baggage and get you in a place that might be easier to start implementing healthy lifestyle changes. 

A past life regression can be the first step when it comes to doing this kind of work. It is not for the faint of heart and only seems to work when one is really ready to make these changes. But if you’re open to positive change, it’s invaluable the peace and acceptance you feel afterwards and I’m speaking from experience. 

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