Past lives have helped some unlock and clear trauma, explain anxiety, and even give context to a disease or unexplained fear.
I’ve found people often have energies attached to them that aren’t their own and don’t appear to be from anything that has happened in this life. These lingering and unexplainable energies are creating problems. The point of a past life regressions is to pinpoint these problems, address and clear them.
Once a client has undergone a regression, they often experience a slight shift in how they live from now on. Some say it’s a weight that has been lifted, other notice a mood shift or “lighten”. I personally experienced the complete disappearance of an almost constant intrusive thought.
During a regression the client is guided through what we perceive to be past life experiences. Sometimes during these lives people seem to experience similar patterns or choices that can be influencing them in this lifetime. These experiences usual stem from an event the client has experienced similar to a childhood trauma and can often times be quite a emotional to witness.
I had one client, for example, who had a fear of upsetting people or causing any sort of altercation, especially in her family members. Because of this fear she felt like she was holding herself back from traveling, experiencing new things, saving money and desperately wanted to finding the strength to say no or at least set healthy boundaries.
When we asked to take her to a lifetime where these behaviors had stemmed, we immediately ended up on the streets of London in the late 1800’s. As a young girl she would sleep in doorways and on street corners and appeared to be absolutely terrified to go home to her family. Once we did manage to follow her home, we realized she had a physically and verbally abusive father whom she was petrified of. This relationship and fear of her father seemed to affect her life today. Once we had explored the lifetime, accepted that it was not connected to this lifetime, we were able to clear it and she was able to move on in this lifetime and start creating healthy boundaries..
It can be very powerful, and healing, to understand your story through the lens of the past and be able to accept it and move forward.